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You As World Administrator – Beginnings of Optimizing Personal Practice: 30 Solution Heuristics to Earth’s Worst Problems – Retroactive Application and Wisdom’s Effect

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Practical implementation and solutions that are not “democratic”….what it’s worth to you personally to make world history, consulting, feedback and implementation.


These solutions are sufficient if effectively implemented to get to the rest of earth’s best solutions with the most impact in new jobs, saved lives and long to medium term economic, legal, investment, social and development policy with reasonable human insight – you can bring heaven, God and gods to earth for good reason and change the guards in heaven, purgatory, hell and earth and put forward longer term solutions that effect less people from here!

Ascend to the class of world administration for free today….run a similar platform as president, prime minister, chancellor….

These technological solutions were not supported, essentially, by popular demand and democracy safe, clean and greatly expanded cold fusion, nuclear energy and alternative energy, recycling and conservation (these were lesser solutions not worth mentioning in this model because they do not sufficiently effect the fastest wisely trending change.   Unlike being a vegan, you can’t really do anything about the nuclear program except write, for the vast majority of voters.

With improved jobs and more intelligent activity and worthwhile social focus from here, better local and international job, volunteer and investment business with earth’s new better service, global, universal – fulfilled hopes, dreams, good expectations of intelligence and wisdom….(A planet’s “sufficient set” for this format [of saving billions of lives AND increasing life quality over time] – unless you personally go out of your way to present yourself to me).  Good from the 1890’s to past the end of corporeal life.

Consultant Rapha Solomon Light

World Administrator: Economic, Military, Employment Policies – Ending Starvation, Poverty, Crime, Terrorism and All Wars – Earning an A for Tens of Thousands of Years – With 30 Multivariable Solutions


Stands on public, private, universal issues:

1) Elimination of the death penalty.

Increasing use of penalties that amount to banishment (this penalty, particularly when taken globally and inter-culturally, made the difference not only in new personal lives, but a greater awareness and life for all, as did increasing the transfer rate of deployment and lateral job transfers to new locations for employees) and greater territorial restriction; nations and courts will effectively admit, as will hospitals and educational institutions, that the fault for crime. accident and “Acts of God” remains as the obligation of the state, nation and planet.

When the state is found guilty of not…

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